Cryptozoology - Creation vs Evolution - Dinosaurs

Whale Evolution: Fact From Fiction
Whales are some of God's grandest creatures. Not only are whales the largest animals currently living on our planet (actually the blue whale is believed to be the largest animal to ever live on earth) ...

The Scopes Trial
The Scopes Trial, often mockingly referred to as the "Monkey Trial," was an event that, for what's worth, reshaped ...
Carbon Dating
Many people have been led to believe that carbon dating (along with other radioactive dating methods) ...
Micro vs Macro
Proponents of evolution often attempt to discredit creation by pointing to occurrences of microevolution ...
More Eager Evolutionists
While doing my daily surfing online, I came across a new website that I had never seen before – “Visual ...
Archaeopteryx: The Bird
I'll freely confess, the debate is still contested.  A number of evolutionists continue to hold onto their famed ...
Sharks And The Truth
Sleek, powerful, and armed with rows of razor-sharp teeth, few creatures today strike more fear into the heart of man than do sharks.  Thought of by ...
Quotes Of Power
Quotes do not prove anything, but they do reveal many things.  They reveal, as in this article, the honesty of some scientists to admit flaws ...
What A Wonderful World
If there's one thing we can all agree upon, it's that the world around us is a wonderful place;  wonderful in terms of diversity, complexity, and ...
Monkey Business
It's what every Darwinist loves to profess.  Turn on the television, read the magazines, and you will be bombarded with ...
Redefining The Terms
Bias and propaganda rear their ugly heads in many different ways.  Sometimes it's subtle, and sometimes it's obvious.  In most cases, it's ...
Lucy In The Sky
She is an espoused ancestral link to humans, but recent headlines are shedding light on the controversial lady we've all come to know as Lucy ...
Peppered Moth Mayhem
I couldn't believe it.  I simply could not believe it.  There I was, having an informed debate with a well-known evolutionist, when suddenly ...
Looking For Change
Sometimes it's good to just sit back and observe life as it is.  Life is happening.  I think we can all agree on this.  Now is as good as any time for us ...
Well, What Do They Say?
Would you buy the product that someone is selling if they did not believe in it?  Would you skydive if you knew that the person who packed ...
Why Evolution Is Wrong
As a journalist, I am given assignments which sometimes require exhausting research and overnight vigils. On this relatively easy assignment I ...
Radiometric Dating Methods
We are expected to believe that the issue is settled.  We are told that there are methods by which we can determine accurately the age of this ...
Reason In Circles Together
The bible of the evolutionist, otherwise known as the Geologic Column, or Geologic Timescale, is the focus of this article.  As with any ...

Cryptozoology - The study of the hidden animal world, cryptozoology is a science of speculation and surprisCryptozoologye, involving the search for animals thought to be extinct to new creatures never before identified.

Creation vs Evolution - What was popularized in 1859 by former Christian turned agnostic, Charcles Darwin, has today become one of the most hotly contested & sharply dividing issues anywhere.

Dinosaurs - Considerable controversy surrounds dinosaurs, from their place in history to their colorDinosaurs, habits, and overall physiology. As viewpoints collide, the search for these answers continues.

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